The D Family - Extended Family Mini Session

Grandparents are one part parent, one part teacher, and one part best friend.

I know this is true of my own children’s grandparents, and I’m certain that’s the case with The D Family, as well. When the whole family has an opportunity to get together, it is always so special. Their grandmother brought along a family heirloom, a quilt made by her own mother, for the session. The quilt, along with some lollipops, served as a perfect prop. Aren’t grandparents known for bringing comfort and sweets to everything they do!?

Grandparent Session

Grandparents are so special. I know I can say mine positively shaped me as a person, and gave me some of my best childhood memories. I think these kiddo’s will feel the same about this lovely couple they get to call Oma and Opa. I was honored to be asked to photograph their 50th Anniversary celebration, and also do a quick mini session with their sweet grandkids. The energy and fun these grandparents radiate is palpable. They were truly a pleasure to photograph!